Not Swimming

Yesterday the husband and I got our Covid booster. No issues yesterday, but this morning I ached all over, so I just laid around and waited to get better. That happened about noon so I had been watching first one news channel then another most of the morning. The world seems to be changing ever so slowly and not always for the better.

It seems that most of the lakes, rivers and oceans are contaminated with fecal matter. Shit. The water we want to swim in is full of shit. We humans are shitting in our nest. We have done so for many years and apparently just tried not to notice. If we realized what was happening surely something would have been done before all of our water is mostly shit. No, not us. We just keep doing what we have done and let someone else solve the problem. Of course, someone else, nobody else, takes care of our earth, our home.

It’s not just water. The air is also polluted all over the world. More and more people have breathing issues, some are deadly illnesses. The land where we grow our food is contaminated with chemicals. Even our minds are filled with sound bites and flashing images to the point of crowding out rational thought. Gloom, doom and tragedy oh my. But not everything is awful and there may be reasons for hope.

Like the young people I saw recently at the library asking for some of the political best sellers. Wanting to know what is happening and maybe wanting to do something about it. Like my great granddaughters at the park making friends with children very different from them and sharing their snacks. Like my neighbor who keeps his lawn perfect and while he is at it mows his neighbors’ yard just to help someone who can’t do it himself.

The most good in this world is done quietly by common folks just doing the best they can where they are. These acts of kindness won’t be a news item or receive accolades or change the whole world, but each changes a moment for someone. Just maybe this goodness will catch on enough for humans to work together to change the world. Hope so

Not Swimming

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